So this new book of poetry and lyrics that I am working on was originally supposed to be titled Frozen in Time. And I had already created a front cover for it. But now I am thinking that I will go with a different title. I am just not sure what that title will be. Of course, I may end up changing my mind and, if I do, I already have something to work with.
Though I have some previously written pieces already in the book, most of the new stuff is something I've written from the prompts that I post every week on my Facebook writing group Creative Writers Spotlight. I wanted to challenge myself, and so that is the reason I am doing it. So far, it has been going quite well on that front. I am enjoying the writing and find it pretty easy, for the most part, to bring these prompts to life in poetic form.
It would be awesome to have this book out before the summer is over, but I definitely want it to be out there before the end of the year. I don't have a whole lot more left to write as I want to keep this book under 130 pages. So, it shouldn't be a problem to finish everything by the end of summer. I just have to be consistent and keep on working on it on a regular basis.