I haven't written any new limericks for my second limerick book but I got an idea for another book. The title will be Seasonal Memories. It will be solely a poetry book. There will be four sections, one for each season. The poems will have nature mixed in with memories of the past or something that previously happened. I am aiming for ten poems per section but may end up having more. I already have some poems written in each section and may edit them as I go over them later.
Ten of the poems that I already wrote were all written on January 26th, 2021. I did not expect to write anything, especially since I had just gotten into bed. But an idea for a poem came to me and when I was done, more followed. I guess I was hit with inspiration. Had it not been after midnight, me being tired, or writing on my iPhone in the dark, I could've probably written more poems. But I will gladly take those ten.