Thursday, July 10, 2014

Received Hard Copy of My Debut Novel...

I have just received a hard copy of my debut novel The Secret Life of Ashley Miles. It feels so good to hold it in my hands and to know that the book came to life by me. The book cover, the interior design, the story - it was all done by me. I feel as if I've achieved something major and I feel very proud of myself.

Now that I have the book I will read it from start to finish as if I am a reader not the author of it and see if there is anything amiss that needs to be corrected. It may be typos, minor tweaks in the wording or storyline. Once that's done I will have to make those changes in the manuscript and then re-upload my file to Lulu. This will of course mean having to buy another copy of my book because I need to have the latest copy of it before I can approve the book for distribution. I will then give this current copy away to someone.

I have already started to spread word about my novel but will really start doing it once I have a final read through of the entire book, make the needed changes and re-upload the latest file to Lulu.

I hope my novel will do well out there. I've spent a great deal of time on it and hope my hard work pays off.

I’m a published author… Get your hands on my books at my storefront, on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble (online) and in many other places online.

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