Saturday, March 16, 2019

Where Are My November Earnings?

I previously contacted Virily about my November earnings not showing up. I did not get a reply from them to any of my inquiries. I tried contacting them again today but received an error message when submitting the form on their website. I tried doing it more than once and got the same result each time. I am assuming the form never went through.

If the reason why I do not see any earnings for November in my dashboard is because I did not earn over 200 virils that month, though I believe I did, they should at least reply to me, letting me know that is the case. Not responding to my inquiries is very unprofessional.

Earnings for other months show up but not those for February. I am assuming that it takes a while for February earnings to show up and that is why I do not see them yet. I do have a feeling that perhaps they will not show up just like the November ones., but that remains to be seen.