Monday, October 14, 2013

My 8th Book - An Unforgettable Journey

I am currently working on my eighth book titled An Unforgettable Journey. The book will be broken up into three sections - poetry, lyrics, and prose. I have already finished making my book cover and my book is halfway done. I just need to write more material for it and then I will be all set to share my newest creation with the world.

An Unforgettable Journey will be my second book that will include poetry, lyrics, and prose together in one volume. The topics in this book will of course include love/romance, relationships and heartbreak but there will be other topics as well. Diary of a Crush (my fourth published book) was the first one to have all three styles of writing together. That book, however, was solely focused on love/romance, relationship, and heartbreak.

I hope to have An Unforgettable Journey out by the end of this year. If that won't happen it will definitely be out in the beginning of 2014.

I’m a published author… Get your hands on my books at my storefront, on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble (online) and in many other places online.