Friday, October 30, 2015

Dream of Publishing That Book? Do It Now for Less!

So you finally finished writing that book of yours and now you want to get it published. Piece of cake right? No. If you thought that writing a book was hard, actually publishing a book will be just as hard, if not harder.

If you want to publish your book, which is every writer's dream, you have a few options at your disposal. You can always find a traditional publisher, a POD (print-on-demand) publisher or do the book yourself through someone that offers self-publishing or POD services.

You can go through a traditional publisher. This will require writing a query letter and sending it to a publisher along with your manuscript. If you think that the first company you send it to will agree to publish your work you are wrong. You will have to spend a lot of time finding many traditional publishers and sending each of them your query letter (sometimes modifying it) and manuscript in hopes of getting published. You may even need to hire a literary agent to represent you and your book as many big publishers won't even look at your work without a literary agent.

If you go this route you will end up facing rejection after rejection (whether via a written response or no response at all). Then you may finally get lucky and someone will contact you back saying they want to publish your book. When this happens you will most likely be told to do edits on your book (especially if it is a novel or a memoir) before it will be published. The book cover and interior will be done for you. It will take a long time for your book to be published and finally released to the world. You will most likely not have a say in the matter when it comes to all aspects of your book including its release date. You will either have to go along with what you are told or go elsewhere to publish your book.

If you don't want to go through all this you can find publishers that call themselves vanity publishers, print-on-demand (POD) publishers, self-publishers or other such names who will tell you that they will publish the book for you. You won't even need to write a query letter. You will automatically be published. But whether the book will be exactly as you want it both inside and out remains to be seen. On top of that you will end up being charged an arm and a leg to make your dream a reality and there is no guarantee that you will get to keep the rights to your book either.

Another option for you to consider, and a better one for that matter, would be to publish the book yourself. Not only will you have total control over how your book looks inside and out and what the content will be but you will keep the rights to your book and you can do with it as you wish. You won't have to wait months or years for your book to be published and released to the world.

Of course publishing a book on your own is no easy feat.There is a lot that goes into getting a book published. Not only does publishing a book require a lot of expertise and knowledge but it also requires a lot of your time. It can be a very stressful and frustrating process figuring everything out and getting everything right... It may even lead you to give up and not publish that book.

If you think all hope is lost and your dream of being a published author will never be real don't be let down. I am here to help you publish that book. Being an author of 9 books, all of which I published on my own through Lulu ( I know what it takes to get that book published. I now offer publishing services to aspiring authors or already existing authors.

No matter what type of book you want to publish, no matter the content, with my help your book will be published (through Lulu) and published in a short amount of time, being available for sale (on Lulu) as soon as it is published and available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble (online) in a short time frame. I will format your manuscript, work with you on the cover and publish the book for you. I can even help you proofread/and edit, if you want. And I do all that at a reasonable cost.

I have already published poetry books, short story books and a novel, and am working on more books as we speak. Some of the authors whose books I published include Barbara Kasey Smith, Regis Auffray, and Michael James Kaiser, to name a few.

Ready to publish that book? Let me take the load off for you. Just give me your manuscript and I will do all the work for you, working with you along the way to make sure everything is the way you want it to be.

The holidays are just around the corner and what better present to give yourself and your friends and family than your very own book. Don't hold off your dream of publishing that book any longer. Let me make that dream a reality and let me do it for less.

Check out my website for all the details and to see the books that I've already published for others.
Just head to Publishing for Less.

Looking forward to publishing that book for you and making it available to the world.

~ Lena Kovadlo

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Always Carry a Notepad

As a writer it is very important to have access to a notepad because ideas can come to you at any moment. If you are unable to write them down you will most likely forget them and will miss out on writing something incredible in the end.

It is thanks to my little notepad and pen that I ended up writing my novel. On the way home from the library a title unexpectedly came into my head. It was The Secret Life of Ashley Miles. It is this title that set me on the path to finally writing a novel, which I had wanted to do for a long time. I ended up publishing this novel in the end and I am very proud of it. It is inspired by my own personal experiences...

Get The Secret Life of Ashley Miles on Amazon  

So, if you are a writer be sure to carry a notepad with you wherever you go so you can write down your ideas whenever they hit you. You will be glad you did. And if you don't want to carry a notepad then make sure your smartphone has an app that lets you write. Don't want those ideas going to waste.